

Trusted by Leaders Across SaaS, Fintech, Consulting, & More

Genevieve Simpson at Heron Data

“Unthread enabled us to maintain our personal touch to customer Support in Slack, while finally getting insight into how we are performing and where our Support load comes from through tagging and analytics”


Customer Story

Spacelift Uses Unthread to Provide Critical Support for Cloud Services

Learn how they use Unthread’s escalation paths, automations, and multi-channel inbox to handle critical infrastructure questions for their customers.

Customer Story

Blee uses chat support to help companies to launch internationally

Learn how they’ve scaled up to dozens of countries by automating repeat questions and using Unthread to keep their documentation up to date.

"Customers rave about our fast and personal support, and we've been able to scale that up rapidly thanks to Unthread."

Guy Shahar

CEO, Blee

“Our business relies on personalized, timely support, and Unthread helps us to provide this at scale. We used to split our time across Gmail, Slack, and support tools, but we’ve now unified this into one workflow with Unthread.”

Connor Frischmeyer

Co-founder, Auxo Partners

“We have significantly improved our client response and resolution times by prioritizing staffing for when we get the most requests and leveraging Unthread’s automated escalation paths.”

Soheil Saeidmehr

Director, Client Strategy, Volley

Try Unthread for yourself

Start tracking your conversations and keep your customers in the loop. Connect your first channel for free.

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